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News | Industrial Dynamics | New energy storage capacity is expected to reach 20 GW, more than the total of the past decade

New energy storage capacity is expected to reach 20 GW, more than the total of the past decade


"By the end of June, the cumulative installed capacity of new types of energy storage in our country has exceeded 20 GW; from January to June this year, the installed capacity of new types of energy storage reached 8 GW, surpassing the level of the whole of last year. New energy storage capacity is expected to increase by 15 to 20 gigawatts this year, more than in the past decade combined, “Energy storage technology and industry trends and CNESA datalink 2023 for the first half of 2023,” said Chen Haisheng, chairman of Zhongguancun's energy storage industry technology alliance and Chairman of the Energy Storage Committee of the China Energy Research Association.

New Energy storage technologies include lithium-ion battery, flow batteries, Compressed air, flywheels, heat and cool storage, and hydrogen storage.

Data from the global energy storage database CNESA Datalink, Zhongguancun's energy storage industry technology federation, showed that as of the end of June, 2023 The accumulative installed scale of electric energy storage projects in our country has reached 70.2 GW (including pumped storage, molten salt heat storage and new type energy storage) , which has increased by 44% year-on-year, of which the accumulative installed capacity of new type energy storage accounts for 30% . “It is worth noting that the cumulative installed share of pumped-storage capacity fell by almost 10 percentage points to below 70 per cent for the first time, after falling below 80 per cent for the first time last year. This means that the growth rate of new energy storage capacity is starting to surpass that of traditional water storage,” Chen said.

The cumulative installed capacity of China's energy storage projects has been put into operation (by the end of June, 2023 MW%)

Source: Zhongguancun Energy Storage Industry Technology Alliance

In the first half of this year, the new energy storage market maintained high growth. By the end of June, the cumulative installed capacity of the new type of energy storage in our country has 2023 over 20 GW. From January to June, 8GW of new energy storage capacity was put into operation, exceeding the level of the whole year of last year and accounting for nearly 80% of the total number of new energy storage projects put into operation. In terms of application distribution, the“Pre-table” scale, that is, the energy storage on the power side and the power grid side, still occupies an absolutely dominant position. Specifically, the power grid side accounts for 56% of the new installed capacity, and the power side accounts for 42% , the percentage of users is only 2% .

At the same time, in the first half of the year, the number of new-type energy storage projects in our country is more than twice that of the same period last year, with the new scale reaching 70% of the whole of last year. The number of 100-megawatt projects is growing rapidly. More than 40 projects have been put into operation, double last year's level, and the number of projects planned and under construction is also higher than last year's level.

In terms of technology, lithium iron phosphate battery is still the mainstream, but non-lithium energy storage technology is also increasing. From January to June, the first flywheel fire storage FM project, the first flywheel + lithium-electric hybrid storage FM project, and the user-side single largest lead-carbon battery project were put into operation one after another, the 100 MW sodium power project is included in the list of provincial demonstration projects.

Number distribution of items by power level (2023 january-june)

Source: Zhongguancun Energy Storage Industry Technology Alliance

In terms of regional distribution, new energy storage projects are distributed in 27 provinces of China, and the installed capacity in the northwest region is growing rapidly. By the end of June, new energy storage projects in Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai and Xinjiang provinces had 20235.00 Gwh11.25 gwh. Of these, nearly 70% came from Ningxia and Xinjiang. In the first half of this year alone, the five provinces added 1.82 gw/4.705 gwh of new capacity. Chen Haisheng pointed out that the new energy storage projects in the five northwestern provinces are mainly independent energy storage and new energy distribution and storage applications, accounting for more than 90% of the cumulative installed capacity in each province.

In Chen's view, the rapid development of energy storage industry, can not be separated from the policy-driven. He said that in the first half of the 2023 year, China issued more than 270 policies on energy storage, including 19 at the national level, it mainly involves energy storage demonstration application, standard management, electricity price reform, diversification and intelligent application, etc. . The function and value of energy storage in electric power system are revealed, and it is gradually brought into the management of conventional system.

Chen Haisheng predicted that in the second half of this year, our energy storage industry will present five major trends. First, energy storage technology research remains active, and China will maintain its position as the most active country in global basic research, key technologies and integrated demonstration. Second, the market size to maintain rapid growth. In particular, the scale of new energy storage is growing rapidly, the annual new installed capacity will reach 15 to 20 GW, more than the sum of the past decade. Third, the industry chain is becoming mature, leading the global battery supply chain trend is clear, battery production is expected to double, exports accounted for more than 50% . Fourth, the energy storage policy will continue to be optimized, the electricity market will continue to be optimized, and the energy storage market mechanism, operation mechanism and standardized management will continue to be optimized. Fifth, the capital market as a whole is improving. Investment in the market remains active, energy storage index is expected to stabilize to good.

Source: China Electronic News, author | Zhang Qiwei