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News | Industrial Dynamics | The Forum on the development of a new type of energy storage industry for Blue Ocean 2023, level one trillion, concluded in Shenzhen

The Forum on the development of a new type of energy storage industry for Blue Ocean 2023, level one trillion, concluded in Shenzhen


Driven by industrial policy and market demand, the new energy storage industry has entered a new stage of large-scale development. In the first half of this year, our country's new energy storage capacity is about 8.63 GW/17.72 gwh, which is equal to the total capacity of all the years. By 2025, the scale of the new energy storage industry is expected to exceed trillion yuan, and by 2030 it is expected to approach 3 trillion yuan.

2023 on 30 August, the “2023 new energy storage industry development forum” was jointly organised by the Shenzhen Battery Industry Association (hereinafter referred to as “The association”) , the Shenzhen Electronic Equipment Industry Association and the Shenzhen Intelligent Equipment Industry Association, energy storage industry experts, project owners, System Integration Enterprises, battery companies, equipment suppliers around the development of energy storage opportunities and challenges to launch an exciting dialogue.

Speaking at the ceremony, Shi Hao, chairman of the Shenzhen Electronic Equipment Industry Association, said that the high-quality and large-scale development of the energy storage industry can not be separated from the technical support of the intelligent equipment industry. He pointed out that in the energy storage scenario, the trend of technological diversification, the level of intelligent equipment technology needs to continue to iterate, and increase the R & D efforts of key equipment technology, it contributes to the high-quality and large-scale development of energy storage industry in terms of safety, reliability, stability, energy saving and economy.

Speaking at the ceremony, Yu Xiangli, vice chairman of the Shenzhen Battery Industry Association and Vice President of Dongjiang Environmental Protection, said that thanks to the rapid development of the new generation of information and communication and consumer electronics industries, the lithium battery industry has a solid foundation, shenzhen has formed a world-class new energy storage industry ecology, showing a complete industrial chain, leading agglomeration, rapid market growth in a good situation. In the first July of this year, the total installed capacity of Shenzhen Energy Storage Battery is about 18.1 gwh, which is nearly 90% of the annual installed capacity of Shenzhen Energy Storage Battery in 2022. In the first half of this year, Shenzhen exported 31.94 billion yuan of lithium-ion batteries, up 36.3% year on year. In the future, the association will further play the role of a bridge under the guidance of the Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government. It will unite the upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain and relevant institutions to build a platform that can be fully trusted, shared resources and mutually beneficial, for Shenzhen and the country's electrochemical energy storage industry high-quality development of new momentum.

Industrial and commercial energy storage in virtual power plant is the inevitable choice of new power system

With the rapid increase of wind and solar installations, the demand for valley filling, the demand for peak load reduction, the increasing complexity of the load side caused by new types of loads such as charging piles, and the demand for new power systems, promote virtual power plants to become the focus of the industry. Last year, the National Development and Reform Commission and the national energy administration published the “14th five-year plan” for a modern energy system, which explicitly proposed virtual power plants as a new model for smart energy demonstration projects.

According to Cheng Yuli, general manager of the Shenzhen Virtual Power Plant Management Center, virtual power plants can aggregate distributed energy storage resources and participate in various grid response support and regional balance services according to different resource characteristics. She introduced that Shenzhen is one of the cities with the highest load density in the world. High-end industries are clustered together, and the reliability of power supply is high. However, land resources are scarce, the peak-valley difference is large, and the peak load is high, the construction cost of power generation, transmission and power supply projects is high. Against the above background, Shenzhen virtual power plant management center to“Power Security, supply economy, Green Low-carbon development” for the grasp, push the Shenzhen virtual power plant to work in the five areas of“Technical support, standards and norms, policy transactions, market expansion, government coordination”, at present, the management center has become the first one in China to realize the two-level linkage of network and province, a new intelligent platform of load storage for power system source and network, which can be used to open the dispatching system vertically, real-time dynamic monitoring at minute level, precise calling of“Station-line-change-household” and application of 5G slicing.

At present, the virtual power plant management platform in Shenzhen has been connected with more than 25,000 flexible resources, more than 2,000 MW flexible resources capacity, and more than 350 MW regulated capacity. Aiming at multiple applications, the energy storage system is fully iterative

At present, peak regulation, frequency modulation auxiliary service and peak-valley price arbitrage are the most important ways of the benefits of electrochemical energy storage in our country. In the future, with the development of the electricity market, the spot market and its price mechanism will give more“Soil” for energy storage and bring more challenges.

Zou Zhixin, commercial director of Yiwei Energy Storage Marketing Center, said in the theme report that energy storage can only be valuable when it is in use, and needs to actively participate in electricity market transactions to enhance energy storage utilization and increase revenue, promote a virtuous circle in the energy storage industry. However, the current energy storage industry is still facing low utilization ratio of energy storage. In the future, multi-level power market system will be formed, and a nationwide cross-region-province-distribution network distributed multi-level market structure. High-level markets will increase the scale of resource allocation, and low-level markets will increase the precision of network and resource modeling. The resulting wealth of trading scenarios will require more adaptable and differentiated energy storage products, with system-level products both large and small, depending on the scenario. The rich trade variety, will bring the complex operation condition, should enhance the operation management level, enhances the income, reduces the risk. Economic, security and green need to be considered comprehensively.

Yiwei energy storage, commercial director of Marketing Center, Zou Zhixin

Jiang Wei, key account manager of Xiamen Kehua Digital Energy Technology Co. , Ltd. , shared his thoughts on energy storage system safety, initial investment cost and LCOS, rapid technology iteration and system integration. On the security side, he believes that security issues are always a common concern for end customers and integrators. The single dimension security of each link of energy storage system is not equal to the system security. On the cost side, he said the efficiency of energy storage plants is one of the most important uncertainties affecting returns, in order to solve more efficient operation control, higher density system configuration, safer working state, more intelligent management strategy, liquid-cooled energy storage system has become a new development needs. Kehua's full stack s 3 liquid-cooled energy storage system is based on full stack technologies, such as high safety, integrated energy efficiency and conversion efficiency for the whole life cycle of the system, standardization of external characteristics of the system, and innovation of network structure, etc. , it has three outstanding advantages, such as active safety, intelligent and efficient, concise and flexible. Cohua's energy storage system has been widely used in many fields, the 100MW/200MWh shared energy storage power plant demonstration project in Ningxia is the first 100MW power electronic liquid-cooled energy storage project in China, the first 9MW black start-up project in Shenzhen Power Grid, the 100MW Black Start-up project in Anhui, and the first large-scale exploration and application of energy storage network in China.

Li Weijia, deputy general manager of the Energy Storage Department of Changyuan Shenrui Energy Technology Co. , Ltd. , pointed out in the keynote report that the current development of new energy in China is still in the exploration stage on the whole, there are six problems in the new energy field station: lack of support for control characteristic, difficulty in coordination between system and equipment, difficulty in monitoring equipment information panoramic, redundancy coupling of equipment, non-standard interface of system and equipment The system of standards is not sound. She said that through the analysis of the current field station control architecture, to build an active support system with flexible coordinated control capabilities is very important. The core of the flexible coordinated control is the fast coordinated control of the energy/power of the field station, based on the standardization of field and station equipment, the demand of power grid and the flexible coordination control, it is necessary to realize the intensification, lean and standardization of the whole structure of new energy field and station, improve the overall controllability of the new energy field station, the adaptability to the power grid.

Wang Min, a senior engineer at shenzhen-based Pryside Testing Technology Co. , Ltd. , said that safety is the bottom line of a product. To ensure the safety of the energy storage system throughout its life cycle, it needs to start from three angles. The first is intrinsic safety, that is, from the material composition design, structural design, safety boundary and abuse safety, to ensure the reliability and safety of the battery itself. The second is the system security, mainly to ensure the BMS, EMS and other management system functional security. Of course, the reliability of system components is also an important factor. The third is fire safety, which is the last line of defense to ensure product safety. We usually want to ensure the effectiveness of fire extinguishing agents and multi-stage fire fighting systems. Finally, fault diagnosis and failure analysis are also important to optimize product design and eliminate manufacturing defects, forming a closed loop.

With the first year of industrial and commercial energy storage approaching, zero-carbon parks will become another major battleground. The price gap between peaks and valleys in various places will widen, making industrial and commercial energy storage initially economic. It is 2023 that domestic industrial and commercial energy storage is expected to officially usher in the first year of this year. Feng Zhiyong, chief engineer of Qiantai Technology Co. , Ltd. in Shenzhen Shenzhen-shantou Special Cooperation Zone, pointed out in the theme report that there are two main business models for domestic industrial and commercial energy storage operations. First, by industrial and commercial users to install their own energy storage equipment, can directly reduce the cost of electricity, but users need to bear the initial investment costs and annual equipment maintenance costs. The other is for energy service companies to assist customers in installing energy storage, energy service companies to invest in and maintain energy storage assets, and business customers to pay the cost of electricity to the energy service companies. He introduced in detail the economics of energy storage projects under the time-of-use pricing mechanism in different provinces and cities. Currently, under the condition of charging and discharging, IRR achieves 7% based on the input cost of 1.4 yuan/Wh, the peak-valley spread needs to be close to 0.9 yuan/kWh to be realized, corresponding to a return cycle of 7 years. Commercial and industrial energy storage can seek the benefits of zero-carbon Park & new energy absorption, wall sales, ancillary services, etc. .

He Weining, general manager of Shenzhen Kunyu Power Technology Co. , Ltd. , said in his keynote speech that the scale of industrial and commercial energy storage power plants generally ranges from 100 kilowatt-hours (kwh) to tens of megawatt-hours (100 kwh-10 mwh) in terms of the scale of the system, between household storage and electricity storage. From the perspective of application scenario, industrial and commercial energy storage and household energy storage belong to the use-side energy storage. Widely used in smart cities, industrial parks, community business circles, commercial office buildings and other large industrial and commercial energy consumption units to achieve intelligent management of energy, there are four application modes, such as peak shaving, standby power supply, new energy access and distribution load regulation. With the widening of the peak-valley price gap and the price of energy storage equipment, the overall economy of industrial and commercial energy storage is expected to improve significantly. In addition, he introduced 11 core technologies in kunyu energy storage system, such as long-life simple laminate cell technology, sodium ion battery, lamination, winding cell design, development, production and preparation technology.

Park as an important carrier of economic development, is to achieve high-quality economic development of the main battlefield. The zero-carbon zone emphasizes the low-carbon, digital and smart development of the zone, focusing on energy supply and integrated energy management, energy storage system becomes the key supporting link.

Li Xiaolong, engineering technical director of Xinwanda Electronics Co. , Ltd. , shared the“Source-net-charge-storage-cloud integration” solution of Xinwanda's zero-carbon Smart Park. And on the industry background, status and trends, energy storage system integration technology, energy storage application solutions, system operation and maintenance four directions to share. Energy storage system integration involves four key technologies, such as system safety design, system integration technology, heat management technology, system control technology, etc. , the corresponding solutions are given in the aspects of cabin-level technology, cluster-level technology, PACK technology, battery technology and so on. The safety design of energy storage system is undoubtedly a systems engineering, which involves multi-dimensional safety management such as device selection, BMS management, fire protection design, safety design, real-time monitoring and so on. The difficulties in energy storage and maintenance are mainly focused on supplier quality control and warranty agreements; customer demand for long-term warranty from integrators and the balance between the normal service life of components; and capacity degradation caused by cell consistency, the cost and time loss caused by replacing the battery pack, the maintenance cost of changing the coolant after 3 ~ 5 years, etc. , and Xinwanda has formed a global team of professional technical support engineers, proficient in battery, PCS, BMS, EMS debugging and problem solving. Domestic and overseas real-time response, engineers on standby 24H; provincial and first-tier cities 24H on-site, to provide life-cycle support and maintenance, to provide reliable protection for users.

Wang Phil Chang, general manager of the Bay Area at beijing-based United East Investment Group, said that in response to the country's call for a “Dual carbon target”, and to solve the pain points of increasing production capacity, increasing electricity consumption and increasing overall load of the industrial park. Under the premise of fully considering the overall energy structure of the park and the advantages of its own resources, in the national industrial park with the conditions to carry out a full range of photovoltaic business. At present, 184 of the country's 435 unites east campuses have been put into operation, of which 66 have been completed roof distributed photovoltaic power stations, and 73 MW photovoltaic projects have been successfully connected to the grid, the plan is to add 20MW a year. At the same time, the company launched the IOC operation center, intelligent access platform, intelligent access platform, whale-eye on-line inspection platform exploration, help Enterprises to realize life cycle management by digital means.

Liu changying, assistant general manager of Haihong Electric Co. , Ltd. , said that in order to follow the development trend of new power systems with new energy as the main body, Haihong electric has decided on the direction of green and efficient products in the field of energy storage transformers, the open three-dimensional winding core dry-type transformer, a new energy storage green transformer solution, is introduced. The advantages and applications of open-type dry-type transformer with three-dimensional winding iron core in the aspects of high efficiency, energy saving, green environmental protection, safety and reliability, moistureproof and antifouling. At present, the company's open-type three-dimensional coil core dry-type transformer one-time through the climate test (c 4 level) , environmental test (E 2 level) , combustion performance test (F 1 level) a number of performance tests, in the industry leading position. At present, the number of Haihong electric three-dimensional winding iron core transformers operating in the network is as high as more than 180,000 units, realizing the export to more than 60 countries and regions in the world, and widely used in power grid engineering, government engineering, medical and health care, education, photovoltaics and other fields.

Chen Jianjun, director of the Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen and chairman of Shenzhen Qingyan Lithium Technology Co. , Ltd. , said that the amount of lithium battery scrap will continue to rise, in 2022, the total amount of all kinds of lithium-ion batteries in our country will exceed 400,000 tons. By 2030, the amount of lithium-ion batteries retired in our country is estimated to exceed 3.9 million tons. And because the industry threshold is low, presents“Low, scattered, chaotic, poor, surplus” competition pattern.

In fact, the recovery of retired power battery involves many links in the industry chain, and has high technical barriers. It is common that the residual safe discharge time is long, the technology is not mature, the efficiency is low, the energy consumption of valuable metal recovery is high, the lithium recovery degree is low, the quality of regenerated products needs to be improved, and the waste residue output is large, low recycling efficiency of resources (low recovery rate of iron-phosphorus waste residue, high cost of impurity removal) and other problems. If the lack of professional facilities and equipment and management means, but also easy to lead to fire, unorganized emissions and other safety and environmental accidents. In response to the industry's pain points, Qingyan took the lead in establishing a“Digital, modular, standardized” recycling technology and equipment system for used lithium batteries, continuous innovation of the“Short process, less waste, low-cost, high-value” green recycling process route, the problem of“Easy combustion, easy explosion, heavy pollution, large amount of acid and alkali, low separation purity and complex technology” in the process of storage, transportation, production and crushing of lithium electricity recycling and disassembly industry at home and abroad has been completely solved, independently and innovatively developed an annual production line with an annual output of 5,000 tons of failed lithium iron phosphate and a green recycling line for failed ternary lithium batteries to achieve digital standardization of safe and environmentally friendly discharge and accurate separation of complete sets of technologies and equipment, the recovery rate of the failed lithium iron phosphate battery and the ternary cathode material is more than 99.8% , the content of aluminum and impurities is less than 50 ppm, the content of graphite anode material is more than 99.92% , and the content of copper and other impurities is less than 300 ppm. The efficiency of the first charge and discharge of the directly repaired positive and negative electrode materials is higher than 93.5% , and the discharge capacity of 0.2 C and cycle performance reach the commercial average level of the mainstream products.

At the same time, the chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the Shenzhen Battery Industry Association summarized the talent work done by the association, and deputy secretary-general Zhong Jia gave a speech on the application of professional titles for lithium battery engineering in Shenzhen, hold the certification ceremony for senior engineer of lithium battery engineering.